Travel along the Royal Road

Happy Yalda

Yalda is the longest and darkest night of the year in Northen Hemisphere.

Based on the Persian solar calendar Yalda is the night between last day of the ninth month (azar) and the first day of the tenth month (dey), which is the last night of the autumn too.

Yalda night is also called “Shab-e Chelleh” which means the night of first forty days of winter.

Yalda is an ancient festival that still today has its important place in every Iranian family.

Friends and family in Iran gather together on this night. They prepare sumptuous dinner, fruits and nuts and till some hours after midnight they eat and drink. They read poems from Divan-e Hafez and some stories from Shahnameh. Older member of the family tells stories and tale of the past. Usually it is a big gathering and everyone helps that the night will be the most memorable night of the year till the next year.